Write a C Program to Execute DOS Commands

Executing DOS Commands Using a C Program: A How-To Guide

Interacting with the command line interface (CLI) is a common requirement in software development, system administration, and automation tasks. While executing DOS commands manually is straightforward, automating this process using a C program provides greater flexibility and control. In this blog post, we'll explore how to write a C program to run DOS commands and interact with the command line environment.

Understanding DOS Commands:
DOS (Disk Operating System) commands are commands that can be executed in the command prompt on systems running Microsoft DOS or Windows operating systems. These commands allow users to perform various tasks, such as file management, system configuration, and program execution.

Writing a C Program to Execute DOS Commands:
To run DOS commands from a C program, we can use the `system()` function provided by the C standard library. This function allows us to execute shell commands directly from within our C program.

Here's a simple example demonstrating how to run DOS commands using a C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
    char command[100];
    // Prompt the user to enter a DOS command
    printf("Enter a DOS command: ");
    fgets(command, sizeof(command), stdin);
    // Execute the DOS command
    return 0;

In this program:
  • We declare a character array `command` to store the DOS command entered by the user.
  • We prompt the user to enter a DOS command using `printf()` and `fgets()` functions.
  • We use the `system()` function to execute the entered DOS command.

To use the program, compile it using a C compiler (e.g., gcc) and run the executable. The program will prompt you to enter a DOS command. Once you enter the command and press Enter, the program will execute the command in the command prompt.

Safety Considerations:
While using the `system()` function provides a convenient way to execute shell commands, it's important to consider security implications, especially when dealing with user input. Executing arbitrary commands obtained from user input can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities, such as command injection attacks. To mitigate this risk, always validate and sanitize user input before passing it to the `system()` function.

In this blog post, we've explored how to write a C program to execute DOS commands. By leveraging the `system()` function, we can interact with the command line environment and automate tasks directly from within our C program. Whether you're automating system administration tasks, building command-line utilities, or integrating with external tools, executing DOS commands programmatically using C provides a powerful way to extend the capabilities of your applications.
